​Your Small Business Swiss Army Knife...

It might seem like a bold statement but we've been around the business block enough to have seen trends, ventures and ideas explode before launch, or rocket to the stratosphere, or stagnate. 

We've been in administration, staffing/recruitment, marketing, finance and operations. Had to wear many hats working with and for start-ups. (Even had to unclog toilets too!)

Over 20 years in the trenches, through the Dot Com Bomb of 2001, the housing crisis of 2008, our wins and losses, plus we've got the tee-shirt to prove it.

Just The Facts

Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned entrepreneur you're gonna need a sidekick who's got your back.

Business partners can be a love/hate but someone on the outside looking in with fresh eyes is an ally.

We can analyze, advise, anticipate and create a strategy to prosper or help shore up potential losses.

You've got nothing to lose with us, except maybe your business and sanity.

What's All The Hype About The ERTC? (Employee Retention Tax Credit)

​Here's the quick rundown of the program:

Program woven inside the CARES Act -

Taking a PPP/EIDL loan doesn't necessarily disqualify a business -

80% of U.S businesses haven't heard or have even applied for up to 26K per W2 employee -

It's NOT A LOAN, so it doesn't have to be repaid - 

Lengthy but extremely worthwhile process which looks at multiple factors to determine eligibility. Here are a few:

1) Government shut down and shelter in place orders

2) How your business was + or - in revenue during the pandemic

3) How many employees you had in 2019 and how you may/may not have kept them on your payroll during 2020 and 2021

This program has an end date of April 15 2025 (for 2021) so if you want to know more go here.

Our Three Main Specialties- 

Money, Marketing and Mindset

It doesn't matter if you're new to business or a kajillionaire entrepreneur if even ONE of the above is off personally, and or professionally you can bet suffering is not far behind. 

​​We've been know to address one or all three areas for maxed-out entrepreneurs.

Book a complimentary 30-minute consult and vent.

DashNex Design Blocks


Feature One

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

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Feature Two

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

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Feature Three

On her way she met a copy. The copy warned the Little Blind Text, that where it came from it would have been rewritten a thousand times and everything that was left from its origin would be the word "and" and the Little Blind Text should turn around.

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​​​​We can find lost assets.Help you to secure a traditional lending connection or a​ private one. Affordable housing?? Right this way!


Is your message falling flat? Want to expand your reach? Curious if your entity is spending wisely? We've got MacGyver like skills to help with all of it.


You know mindset is EVERYTHING. If your mojo is no-go, let's get those thoughts/actions on point. It's thought-shifting coaching that's truly PRICELESS.


Without optimal health all the money in the world can't buy that loss of time, energy and zest for life. We don't have all the answers, but you can start your journey here.


If Florenzen Ventures can't help you in one way or another, we'll find you someone who can.  

No ego here.

We really are like a Swiss Army Knife but for business..(life too!)


We didn't bribe or beg these clients for their kind words. We're honored and humbled they feel this way about us.


Michael Stevenson

 “Starting a new business is never easy, and a lack of support makes it that much harder. If it were not for you, good business ideas would not get developed. You have a great talent for helping people to get their ideas down on paper. The bio and speech you wrote for me was excellent. I was able to get my point across to my audience.
I look forward to working with you again, any time.

With thanks and appreciation, Mike.


C. Ann Ramos
(Former)Owner Distinctive Events of Boston

“ I launched my event design  and rental company with Lisa as my marketing writer. She creatively and articulately crafted my brochures and did an outstanding job with designing the details of my website.

Lisa's has an amazing talent with a solid understanding of my business needs.

I would highly recommend Lisa she is talented, savvy and dedicated to her customers satisfaction.“


C. Ann Ramos


Jess. B
Nail Rock Star

"I contacted Lisa to discuss some personal matters I was going through. She listened objectively and without judgment. She was available for coaching at flexible (real life moments!) times and for lengthy conversations. Lisa never made me feel rushed or like I was boring her or an inconvenience. I’d recommend her to anyone I know looking for a Life Coach."

Jess B. – Nampa, Idaho

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